A Critical Introduction to Tarot
From the back cover:
How does Tarot work? Why is it so popular today? Is it just for fortune tellers?
Tarot has seen a recent uptick in interest that warrants explanation. This book, however, is not another take on the cards’ meanings and how to read them. Instead, independent researcher Simon Kenny presents Tarot to the incredulous and curious and those who wish to know the basis for its continued cultural relevance.
A Critical Introduction to Tarot explains the practice in its historical and metaphysical contexts, and investigates its supporting belief structures, from witchcraft and magical practices to popular psychology. Throughout these pages, connections to politics, philosophy, psychology, numerology, astrology, Freemasonry, statistics, interpretative symbolism, self-help, social media — even the nature of truth itself — are explored. An accessible read aimed at demystifying Tarot for those unfamiliar with its magical, occult roots and growing use as a personal development tool.
Simon Kenny is an author, technologist and educator whose work combines probing questions with technical thinking. He began writing at university, where he graduated top of his class and continued to blog about technology and political philosophy. Simon has taught as a lecturer at the University of Limerick, Ireland.
“Simon Kenny’s engaging work approaches this very familiar terrain from an uncommon perspective…”
Gary Lachman, author of Dreaming Ahead of Time: Experiences with Precognition, Synchronicity and Coincidence
“Simon’s work asks the questions any person interested in Tarot should ask … A valuable companion for the metaphysically minded Tarot reader.”
T. Susan Chang, author of Tarot Correspondences: Ancient Secrets for Everyday Readers
Published by Iff Books.
Latest News
New free ebook published – A Cultural Reader of the Tarot
In July and August of this year, I collected the various writings I’d done on the Tarot since sending my book A Critical Introduction to Tarot to the publishers, editing them down into a short three chapter ebook by the main themes I’d been exploring:
- AI & Tarot
- Gaming & Tarot
- Religion & Tarot
The result was A Cultural Reader of the Tarot. I quietly published this at the end of August but today, on the 1 year anniversary of the publication of A Critical Introduction to Tarot, I publish revision 2 of this ebook and make it available here on my website for free.
If you read it, please let me know what you think!

About The Author
Simon Kenny is an author, technologist and educator whose work combines probing questions with technical thinking. As a writer on the topics of spirituality and belief, he brings a keen awareness of philosophy and contemporary politics to his experience of spiritual and religious life. Now a ‘non-believer’, it is his life’s mission to understand the colourful forms that personal convictions often take. He does this with a grounding in the ceaseless autodidactic study that has become the cornerstone of an examined life. Simon is based in Galway, Ireland.
Simon is a member of the International Playing-Card Society, The Irish Writers Centre, and Writing.ie.
Simon Kenny
Email: simonkenny [at] duck [dot] com